A mobile 'StarDome' visited yesterday from Blackrock Castle Observatory to showcase the wonders of the night sky. This portable planetarium formed part of the school's participation in the Discover Primary Science & Maths Award of STEM Excellence.
Tháinig Cruinneacháin na Réalt ó Réadlann Chaisleán na Dúcharraige ar cuairt chugainn inné chun an córas na gréine a thaispeáínt go beacht cruinn dona daltaí.
A mobile 'StarDome' visited yesterday from Blackrock Castle Observatory to showcase the wonders of the night sky. This portable planetarium formed part of the school's participation in the Discover Primary Science & Maths Award of STEM Excellence.
Tá teiripeoir ag teacht isteach chuig na naíonáin gach Déardaoin chun suathaireacht a chleachtadh leo. Cabhraíonn sé seo leo socrú isteach ar scoil agus ar an obair. Bíonn siad ar a suaimhneas ansin don chuid eile den lá! Our infant classes receive visits from a qualified massage therapist to engage in massage lessons at school. This helps them settle into their lessons and focus on their busy day ahead! Bhí na naíonáin ag foghlaim faoi leictreachas statach inniu. Bhaineadar úsáid as balún, éadach olla, ciarsúir páipéir agus Rice Krispies chun an iniúchadh a dhéanamh. Chuimil siad an balún in aghaidh geansaí olla agus phioc siad suas ciarsúir páipéir agus Rice Krispies leis!
Our junior infants investigated static electricity today. They used balloons,wool, tissue paper and Rice Krispies to carry out their investigation. They rubbed balloons against wool and succeeded in picking up tissue paper and Rice Krispies with it! Maith sibh! Tháinig saighdiúirí ón airm ar cuairt chuig na scoile inniu chun Brat na hÉireann a bhronnadh ar an scoil mar chuid de chomóradh 1916. Léadh an Forógra amach agus bhí deis ag na daltaí ár gcuairteoirí a cheistiú. B'iontach an cuairt scoile é agus bhaineamar ar fad tairbhe as. Our school welcomed soldiers from the Irish army today to present us with an Irish Flag as part of the 1916 centenary commemoration. The Proclamation was read out and explained to the pupils and we got an opportunity to question the soldiers. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the visit. Tá ceachtanna snámha ag tosnú gach Déardaoin ón 14ú ar aghaidh ag ranganna 3 - 6 ar feadh cúig seachtaine. Beidh ceachtanna rang 1 & 2 ag tosnú ar an 15ú Feabhra ar aghaidh, gach Luan, ar feadh cúig seachtaine. Swimming lessons are starting this Thursday for 3rd-6th class for the next five weeks. Swimming lessons will start every Monday from Feb 15th onwards for 1st and 2nd class. Brú thíos don litir / Click below for more information:
Fáilte chuig blag na scoile.