Ní hamháin gur deineadh ceiliúradh ar Lé Fhéile Vailintín inniu ach deineadh ceiliúradh ar La Cineáltais lena páistí gléasta suas i ndearg agus ag léiriú gníomh cineálta dá chéile. Not only did we celebrate Valentine's Day today, we also celebrated Kindness Day with a very special Lá Dearg and lots of acts of kindness to one and all! Maith sibh! Comhghairdeas le cailíní Rang 4 as ucht a gcluiche iontach camógaíochta i gCraobh an Chontae i halla Na Piarsaigh mar chuid de Sciath na Scol.
Congratulations to the fourth class girls on their stellar performances in the Allianz Sciath na Scol Chorcaí Indoor Camogie Premier County Finals held in Na Piarsaigh Hall. Maith sibh! Tháinig cuairteoirí ón gComhairle Chontae chun labhairt faoi shalachar madraí agus an comórtas postaeir a ghlacadar páirte in le déanaí.
Children in fourth and fifth class were delighted today to welcome two visitors from Cork City Council who spoke to them about dog fouling and their 2020 Anti Dog Fouling Poster Competition! Bhí Rang 5 ag déanamh staidéar agus tionscnamh le déanaí ar na bplainéidí agus an ghrianchóras. Tháinig Rang 3 isteach tráthnóna ansin agus mhúin Rang 5 dóibh faoi. Rang 5 have been studying our solar system and creating some wonderful projects on this theme. They invited Rang 3 into their classroom and presented their projects to them. Maith sibh, a pháistí! Beannachtaí na Féile Bríde! Bhí fuíollach oibre ar chrosanna Bríde ar siúl sa scoil an tseachtain seo! Gaelscoil Mhuscraí celebrated the arrival of Spring making St Brigid's Day crosses. Comhgairdeas le páistí Rang 3 a d'imir i gcomórtas camógaíochta faoi dhíon le déanaí. Chuireamar fáilte roimh bhuaiteoirí faoi 14 na hÉireann sa chamógaíochta freisin lena gcorn, iar-dhalta Cáit Ní Cheilleabhair ina measc! Congratulations to the pupils of third class on their wonderful performances in their Indoor Camogie Blitzs recently. We were also very proud to welcome not one, but two, U14 All Ireland Camogie Cups to the school recently along with players including our All Ireland winning past pupil, Katie Kelleher! |
Fáilte chuig blag na scoile.