Bhí na cailíní ó ranganna 4 - 6 gníomhach inniu ag imirt peile i mBlitz i Maigh Eala. Dhéanadar sár-iarracht ag taispeáint a gcuid scileanna peile.
Many of our 4th - 6th girls girls were active today in a football Blitz in Mallow where they gave a great display of their footballing skills! Maith sibh!
Food Dudes is a programme developed to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables both in school and at home. It is ultimately designed to enable children to enjoy eating healthy diets, and to create a healthy eating culture within schools. Gaelscoil Mhuscraí is currently involved in this programme to ensure all its pupils realize the importance of eating fruit and veg and we are all enjoying tasting our fruit and veg every day. Click here for more info about the programme.
Bhi árdranganna na scoile roghnaithe chun a dtuairimí faoi Bhuiséad 2014 a chur trasna don Evening Echo. Bhí se fíor-shuimiúil dúinn ag léamh faoi cad ba cheart a bheith sa bhuiséad dar leo. Féach thíos ar an alt.
Our senior classes were chosen by the Evening Echo to express their opinions on Budget 2014. We were delighted to see their important opinions in print last week and read their thoughts on what should be included in the budget. See the article below. Maith sibh, a phaistí! Tháinig an Garda áitiúil chugainn ar cuairt chun caint faoi chonas a bheith sábháilte i rith Oíche Shamhna. Bhain na naíonáin, go speisialta, an-taitneamh as a chomhluadar!
Our local Guard from Blarney, Seán, visited the school this week to talk to the pupils about being safe during Halloween. The infants, in particular, enjoyed his visit as seen from the pictures below.
Tá Comhairle na nDaltaí 2014 / 2015 tofa ag páistí na scoile agus táimid ag súil go mór iad a fheiscint ag obair don scoilbhliain seo ar son na scoile agus a gcairde. Go n-eirí libh, a pháistí.
Our Student Council 2014 / 2015 have been elected by their peers. We are looking forward to all the great work they will achieve this year for the good of the school and their fellow pupils. Best of luck, a pháistí! Siúlóid Dúlra on PhotoPeach |
Fáilte chuig blag na scoile.