Junior and senior infants, along with first class, were busy before Christmas writing and posting letters to Santa Claus. Santa even visited us at school before the holidays!
Fón: 021-4516874 R.phost / Email : [email protected] |
![]() Bhí ranganna Múinteoir Cáit agus Múinteoir Eimear an-ghnóthach don Nollaig. Sheolamar litreacha chuid Daidí na Nollag agus bhuaileamar leis an bhfear é féin ar scoil freisin! Junior and senior infants, along with first class, were busy before Christmas writing and posting letters to Santa Claus. Santa even visited us at school before the holidays!
![]() Tá an-chuid ag teacht sa phost do ranganna 2-4 faoi láthair. Tá cártaí Nollag ag teacht ó thíortha timpeall na hEorpa agus tá comhfhreagras ar siúl idiir ár bpairtneirí eTwinning sa Fhrainc agus san Alban. Fuaireamar litreacha, feilirí agus leabhar uathu! We are getting post nearly every day with Christmas cards from all over Europe. Our eTwinning display board is nearly full with them! Second and third class received lovely letters, cards, calendars and books from our eTwinning partners in France and Scotland. Tháinig Garda ar chuairt chugainn ar an Aoine. Labhair sé linn faoina phost agus faoi bheith sábháilte ar na bóithre. Bhí an-shuim ag na páistí ann agus chuireadar fuíollach ceisteanna air!
Our local Guard visited the school on Friday. He spoke about his job and about how to be safe on the roads this Winter. The infants were really interested and asked plenty of questions! |
Fáilte chuig blag na scoile.
Gaelscoil Mhuscraí
Sean Íochtarach, An Bhlárna, Corcaigh. |