Infants to first class had a great morning today. They received a special visit from the Easter Bunny himself! They also spent an enjoyable few minutes trying to find all the eggs that were hidden around the school hall and then devouring them afterwards!
Bhí maidin iontach ag na naíonáin agus rang a haon inniu. Bhuaileadar leis an gCóinín Cásca! Freisin fuaireadar fuíollach uibheacha mar chuid den tóraíocht uibheacha a tharla sa scoil. Infants to first class had a great morning today. They received a special visit from the Easter Bunny himself! They also spent an enjoyable few minutes trying to find all the eggs that were hidden around the school hall and then devouring them afterwards!
Bhí na hárdranganna gnóthach ag cruthú ealaín álainn bunaithe ar an gCáisc.
The senior classes created some beautiful Easter artwork. Ag druidim i dtreo na Cásca bhí ranganna trí agus a ceathair ag déanamh dian-obair faoin tSeachtain Mhór agus Stáisiún na Croise.
In the run up to Easter third and fourth class were learning about Holy Week and the Stations of the Cross. Comhghairdeas do pháistí Rang a 6 a chuaigh fé lámh an Easpaig ar an 14ú Márta.
Congratulations to the pupils of sixth class who were confirmed on March 14th. ![]() D'éirigh le páistí ó ranganna a dó agus a trí rosettes a bhuachaint i gcomórtas ealaíne 'Design an Adventure Park' urraithe ag Comhairle Cathair Chorcaí. Bhain Anna ó rang a dó an tarna áit amach in a catagóir agus fuair Ellie, Rónán agus Seán aitheantas speisialta freisin as ucht a bpictiúir iontacha. Pupils from second and third class participated in a Cork City Council sponsored art competition 'Design an Adventure Park'. Anna achieved second place in her age category and Ellie, Seán and Rónán received a special runner-up rosette also for their fantastic designs. Comhghairdeas a pháistí! Tháinig cainteoir ón Dogs Trust chuig na scoile, ag labhairt lena hárdranganna agus bunranganna. Labhair sí faoin obair fiúntach atá ar bun ag an gcarrthanacht seo in Éireann, ag cur bailte sábháilte ar fáil do mhadraí.
A guest speaker from the 'Dogs Trust' visited the senior and junior classes in the school. She spoke about all the positive work her charity does, giving shelter and re-housing stray and abandoned dogs. Bhí na naíonáin agus rang Múinteoir Eimear ag éisteacht le fuíollach scéalta á léamh ag tuismitheoirí ar lá na leabhair.
Infants to first class were treated to plenty of stories read by parents on World Book Day. ![]() Ghléasamar suas mar ár gcarachtar leabhair is fearr linn agus dhéanamar 'hot-seating' orainn féin. Bhí na páistí ag freagairt fuíollach ceisteanna futhu féin agus ag léiriú a dtuiscint ar a gcarachtar go cruinn. Freisin dhéanamar dearadh ar chlúdaigh leabhair is bronnadh duaiseanna orthu siúd is suimiúla. We dressed up as our favorite character from a book we read. Each character was 'hot-seated' in role and answered questions about themselves. We got plenty of interesting answers! We designed book covers and the three most original received a prize - maith sibh gach páiste! Bhí an tseachtain seo seachtain na n-innealtoírí agus bhí rang a dó gníomhach ag obair mar innealtóirí mar chuid den chlár Discover Primary Science. Fuaireadar amach cé chomh láidir is atá triantáín chun struchtúr a thabhairt do chruth. Dhéanadar a gcuid cruthanna féin bunaithe ar thriantáin agus cearnóg. D'éirigh leo siud a thóg an structúr is airde cúpla leamhacháin a ithe!
As part of Engineers Week second class worked as engineers building a structure in science. This activity also formed part of the school's Discover Primary Science programme. They learned about the strength of triangles and how important they are in constructing shapes. They succeeded in engineering many shapes from squares and triangles and the builders of the highest, most stable shape were rewarded with a few marshmallows of their own to eat! |
Fáilte chuig blag na scoile.