Our senior classes have been very busy in recent weeks learning as scientists, as part of the Discover Primary Science programme. They attended a workshop on heat in Lifetime Lab. They carried out various experiments on water density, electricity and mixing materials. They designed and created traffic lights and lava lamps. Have a look at their amazing science projects below.
Bhí na hardranganna ag obair mar eolaithe le cúpla seachtain anuas, mar chuid den chlár Discover Primary Science. D'fhreastalaíodar ar chéardlann eolaíochta i Lifetime Lab faoi theas. Dhéanadar iniúchadh ar dhlús uisce, leictreachas (ag dearadh 'is ag déanamh soilse tráchta) agus ar mheascadh ábhair trí lampaí lava a chruthú. Féach thíos ar na pictiúir. Our senior classes have been very busy in recent weeks learning as scientists, as part of the Discover Primary Science programme. They attended a workshop on heat in Lifetime Lab. They carried out various experiments on water density, electricity and mixing materials. They designed and created traffic lights and lava lamps. Have a look at their amazing science projects below.
Bhí na naíonaín bheaga gníomhach an tseachtain seo ag cur síolta agus ag plandáil bláthanna. Bhí an aimsir go deas agus thapaíodar an deis seo chun am a chaitheamh lasmuigh ag maisiú na scoile lena gcuid bláthanna agus plandaí. Tháinig cúpla tuistí iontacha isteach freisin chun cabhrú leo. Go raibh maith agaibh a pháistí as ucht an scoil a dhéanamh níos dathúla don samhradh!
Junior infants made the most of the good weather this week and decided to spruce up the school with some plants and flowers! They were busy planting plenty of flowers, with the help of some kind parents, and making our school look lovely and colorful for the summer season! Thank you for your efforts a pháistí! Dhéan rang 2&3 sár-ghlanadh timpeall an Bhlárnan mar chuid de fheachtas Springclean An Taisce i rith mí Aibreáin.
Second and third classes picked up every piece of litter they could find on their clean-up of Blarney today, as part of An Taisce's National Springclean initiative during April. ![]() Don chlár Discover Primary Science bíonn ranganna 3 agus a 4 fíor-ghnóthach ag déanamh turgnaimh. Dhéanamar staidéir ar ábhair agus domhaintarraingt. Fuaireamar amach cad é an páipéír is fearr chun uisce a shú agus cén fáth. Freisin, bhíomar ag dearadh agus ag déanamh pairisiút mar chuid dár bhfiosrúcháin ar dhomhaintarraigt. As part of the Discover Primary Science programme third and fourth class are busy experimenting in science. We were studying absorption in materials and the force of gravity. We found out, through a fair test, which paper is the best at absorbing water and why. We also designed and made parachutes as part of our investigations on gravity. Tá rang na Naíonáin ag cleachtadh massage go rialta. Táid ag fáil treoir ó theiripeoir maidir le seo agus cleachtaíonn an múinteoir ranga é leo freisin. Tá an-chuid buntáistí ag baint leis an gcleachtas seo, cuireann sé le forbairt motair agus cognaíoch an pháiste agus laghdaíonn se ar aon strus atá acu. Bainimid taitneamh as!
The infant classes are engaged in massage therapy in school. A certified specialist in massage therapy for children visits us and the class teacher practices it also with the children. There are various benefits for massage in children; it stimulates motor and cognitive development and relieves any stress or anxiety. The children enjoy practicing on each other! Fuair páistí rang a dó 'is a trí fuíollach comhfhreagras sa phost don Cháisc. Fuaireamar cártaí Cásca agus cártaí Lá Fhéile Pádraig. Scríobh na páistí sa Fhrainc an-chuid faoina laethanta saoire agus dhéanamar iarracht ár scileanna Fraincíse a chleachtadh! Beimid ag gabháil buíochas leo i rith Flashmeeting an tseachtain seo chugainn. Freisin thug Ella S. dhá phostaer lán d'eolas faoin Ind isteach mar go rabhamar ag déanamh staidéir ar an dtír seo mar chuid den fheachtas Trócaire. An-shuimiúl Ella!
Second and third class received a lot of eTwinning correspondence in the post for Easter. We received Easter and St. Patrick's Day cards from our Scottish friends and French postcards from our French partners telling of all their holiday adventures. We got an opportunity to read and practice our French! We will get an opportunity to thank them in person in a Flashmeeting scheduled for next week. Also, Ella S. brought two very informative posters into school about India. We were learning about this country as part of the Lenten Trocaire campaign. |
Fáilte chuig blag na scoile.