I am running through the battlefield and a grenade bursts into flames in front of me,blowing me into a wall and knocking me out. About 30 minutes later I'm in an English army base strapped to a chair. I can faintly see someone through a very blurred window.
Thankfully, in the end, I was still in one piece safe at home. I awake to my Mom's familiar voice,"Wake up you lazy lump, it's time for school!''
Daniel (Rang 3)
Ice-cream Fairy
We go into an ice-cream shop to get some ice-cream and there was a fairy. She said that I could have one wish. I wished that me, Kitty and Lucky could have free ice-cream whenever we wanted, when we wanted, whatever amount we wanted and any flavour we wanted. So we kept getting ice-cream and my brother and sister were getting extremely jealous .Suddenly my brother runs in and wakes me up. ''The tooth fairy came'' he says. I realise it is a dream.
Anna (Rang 3)
Saving the World
One day I am walking along the footpath when NASA come declaring that our world needs a hero.
They tell me that there are walls coming through space that are about to destroy earth.
So I say,"why pick me when there are 7 billion other people on earth?''
Meanwhile at home my Mom is wondering where I am. I'm up in space! Suddenly I see the wall
and shoot a rocket at it, destroying it. I'm a hero and when I die no one forgets me.